New Year’s Eve.

December 31, 2008

Whoo, are you guys excited?

A year is about to end, and another is about to begin. It’s about time that we forget all the bad stuff from the old year, and move on with the new one….

Fireworks are so pretty, don’t you think? First, they are like shooting stars, then, with a blink of an eye, they transform into flowers. Beautiful, brilliant, and dazzling…yep, that are  fireworks for you.

I hope my life could be like those blinding and colorful lights. It would be such an excitement to live that way.

I wish you all a fantastic 2009! Remember to make a wish at 12:00 AM…it might come true. 😉


December 29, 2008

Yesterday was a pretty sucky day.

I went to the park with my family yesterday. It was pretty chilly, but the air felt really nice. Kids were laughing and a lot of people were walking their dogs. My dad and little brother decided to play some basketball so I decided to join for a game. After winning, (I think they went easy on me) I decided to play on the playground.

Bad decision, a really, really bad decision.

The playground consisted of slides, poles, and twisty paths for kids to climb. At the top, there was this spot where you could sit and watch what’s happening down below. I decided that it would be fun to climb up there and wave to my mom. Yeah, I’m childish like that. So after a couple of waves, my mom decided that I should get down. Here’s where the problem started: I, stupidly enough, decided on a shortcut.

I figured if I go diagonally and cut my way across, I can skip the whole twisty stairs and climb down faster. At about halfway, I decided to stop and let this kid pass. Looking around, I decided if I jump, I could make it down safely.

Hahaha, gravity laughed at ChocoPuddi.

Well, it all happened so fast that I couldn’t really prepare. When I tried to jump, my foot slipped. That caused me to fall forward. Frantically, I tried to grab on to a near by bar but I missed by a little bit.

The result? Me falling down head first to the sand.

Ouch indeed.

The kids at the play ground were freaked out at that moment, and I think one cried. When my mom helped me up, I tasted blood and my lips were numb. My mom panicked and she rushed me home so she could examine the wound. She said my lips were bruised but otherwise still in one piece. I guess she sort of freaked out when I fall flat on my face. She thought that I broke my teeth the way that I was bleeding from my mouth. While washing my face, I realized that I have this dull pain in my arm. It wasn’t broken or anything, but I guess I landed on it a bit to hard. I decided to forget the pain by taking a short nap. I slept from 12 PM to 4 PM so I guess it wasn’t that short.

I reckon I should be more careful while playing from now on. My parents think that I should stay away from playgrounds all together. They told me that I could have broken bones, my nose, or my teeth the way that I was falling and I almost gave them a heart attack. I said that I was ok and nothing was broken so it was fine. I think they thought I was lying so they won’t be worried. Well, I do look pretty bad yesterday, with my swollen lips and all. My mom decided that I shouldn’t talk at all and that I should go to bed and rest. She also made some rice gruel for me to eat instead of rice. So the rest of my day was spent in bed reading, eating rice gruel and listening to my mom fussing over me. Ok, I admit that I did like being fussed over, but I felt really bad for worrying her like that. I should take my parents’ advice about avoiding playgrounds after all.

Ahhh, hopefully the swelling will go down in time for me to go back to school. I don’t want to walk around looking like I just got in a fight with somebody and got punched in the mouth. D:


December 25, 2008

Boredom makes you do random things. Lol, two hours ago, my friends gathered on IM and decided to host a suprise interview session. The victim? Me. x__X

Well, enjoy guys:

So, what does your name mean in your native language?

Erm.. a bird, swallow tail I think. I’m not sure.

List 3 bad habits you have.

Staying up late, eating too much junk food, worrying too much.

So, any fav. sports?

Tennis and basketball tied.

What’s your favorite day of the year?

Dec. 25th, haha.

What do you think about Santa Claus?

He needs to share the cookies and milk with me.

Favorite saying?


What would you do if you are stranded on a deserted island?

Panic. Panic. Panic.

When looking at a person, what do you notice about them?

His/her face.

Comfortable clothes or trendy clothes?


Hate the cold?


Hot chocolate?


Do you like pie?

Certain kinds

Do you think you are random?

It’s raining gumdrops and soda!

Rate yourself, from 1 to 10, how interesting you are.


Faavorite smiley?


If you get to pick between a purple gummy bear and a red gummy bear, what would you pick?


What’s the first word you think of when I say “cookie”?


Any tatent?

Er not really…the closest thing I have to a talent is drawing.

What’s the most embarrassing moment you have so far?

Not telling.

What are your beliefs about humanity?

We eat cookies and take naps.

Whatcha fav. animal?


Any fears?

Bugs, insects, and snakes.

Quick! Think of a word that rhymes with orange!


Fine…what rhyme with purple then?

…You got me.



Bake a cake with me?

I can’t cook… >_>

What’s the square root of 452091.7567?

Calculator! Where are youuuuu?

Yes or no?

Maybe…leaning no.

Do you know how to fold a paper crane?

Used to, I forgot how.

Say something in a different language.


How are you at Spanish?

I know how to say hi and bye and count to 12.

Pick a weapon.


What is your goal in life?

To conquer the world! Just kidding. To have as much fun as possible.



Look around and what do you see?

A messy usual.

Can you believe it’s not butter?


What’s the meaning of life?

Lemme go get the dictionary.

What do you do in your free time?

Draw, read, internet, listen to music, doing random stuff.

What is the first thing you do if you are a fish?


Rate your laziness level.


How serious are you at things?

Not really, I joke around way too much.

How many language(s) can you speak?


Favorite subject?


How many finger am I holding up?

None, you are typing.



Fav. music genre?

Erm, I’ll listen to anything.

What is on your wish list?

A tablet, a bunch of new books, and Pocky.

Should we torture you with more questions?


Too bad, it’s opposite day. What’s your favorite part of your face?

My ears.

Ok, we are done.



Wheew I thought that would never end.

Oh and a “Merry Christmas!!!” for you all from us!

Have a watermelon! :D

December 15, 2008

…to remind yourself of those warm and sunny summers spent eating watermelons on the hot sand of the beach.


Brr… it’s so cold right now. I’m currently wearing socks, sweats, and a sweater with the heater on because I just took a shower and the water was COLD! *sniff* Hopefully I don’t catch a cold again, the cursed thing is spreading at my school for the third time now. Come on, people landed on the moon, discovered cells, invented the computer…ect ect but did they discover the cure for the common cold? Sadly no. >_<

Now excuse me while I get myself a blanket…


December 14, 2008

So my friend invited me to her house for a movie party in celebration for that Bio quiz we both aced.


She has such awesome movies (and popcorn, and soda, and chips)! We watched two movies that evening, Dead Poet Society and Freedom Writers. Both are very inspirational movies by the way. My favorite is Freedom Writer.

It’s about a teacher that has to teach a class of students that are gangster-like and is rumored to be bringing the school’s reputation down. Well, at a first glance, they do look that way but as the movie progress, it’s reveal that they have sad pasts and are having trouble coping with lives. The movie revolves about the teacher, Mrs. Erin, and her struggles to earn respect of the class room. The movie is deep, and it makes you think about the situation of the each of the characters and what would you do if you was in that same situation. What would you do, confess the truth or lie for your friends? Would you be loyal to your friends until the end, even though you know you are hanging with the wrong crowd? Would you show favoritism toward your own race when a life is at stake? Gosh, there’s so much to think about.  The movie is also educational at the same time. It gave facts about the Holocaust and has a part where the people in the Holocaust talk about their experience of the tragedy. Heck, At the end of the movie, my friend even pulled out her laptop and researched about the Holocaust and the real life Freedom Writers.

Dead Poet Society is very deep and depressing. It’s about an all boy private school that’s really, really strict. The teacher, Mr. Keating was determined to change the student’s view about life and literature. Hmm…now that I think about it, it is sort of similar to Freedom Writers. He made the students rip out pages from textbooks (poor books!) and stand on tables. Of course, Mr. Keating’s way of teaching was considered unorthodox by the principle, and the principle decided to fire him…not before the students views about themself and literature changed though. Gosh, the movie was also movie at the same time too, my friend and I sniffled and went teary like the emotional people that we are.You know the best part about this movie? The quotes! They are so awesome. Here are some quotes for you guys:

“Listen, you hear it? – – Carpe – – hear it? – – Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.”

“That you are here – that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”

…and a funny one:

“You can feel it. This desk set wants to fly!”

Carpe diem guys, carpe diem. Live to the max, live like you only have one day left. If you have a dream, go for it. No reason to hesitate. A moment of hesitation means a wasted chance. Go crazy and shoot for the moon or something…if you miss, you’ll land among the stars…or those fluffy looking clouds. 😉

…And this all is coming from a procrastinator/ lazy bum/ unmotivated person. Yay?

Choco’s Past and Present

December 13, 2008

Past, 6 years old:

  • I actually wore dresses
  • Skin tone was a lot lighter
  • Big eyes and giggly laugh
  • Bad memory
  • Fails at sport
  • Doesn’t even know how to speak English yet
  • Hated vegetables
  • Good handwriting
  • Long hair
  • Favorite color: black ( I know it’s not a color but I was only 6 years old then >_> )
  • Liked to walk outside barefooted
  • Believed Santa Claus and the Bogeyman were real
  • Obsessed with stuffed animals..especially monkeys and squirrels
  • Fell down a lot for no reason

Past, 10 years old:

  • Still fail at sport
  • Bad sense of direction
  • Starting to learn English
  • Medium length hair that’s always tied up
  • Ate some vegetable
  • Was about 85 lb
  • Skirt was abandoned
  • Pants+ oversized T-shirt+ Caps = >_<
  • Started to draw a lot
  • Discovered the Internet
  • Handwriting became illegible
  • Can’t sing
  • Like yellow and gray

Present, 14 years old:

  • Still jeans, but actually wear the correct size of t-shirt
  • Can’t sing still
  • Mostly “fluent” with English
  • Got healthier and skinnier at the same time
  • 94 lb
  • Bad sense of direction is still there
  • Draw way too much now…those poor trees ;-;
  • Actually get along with people now
  • Started a blog
  • Picky eater
  • Shoulder length hair…did it get blacker?
  • Way too tanned for own good
  • Internet addict
  • Write a bit neater…for now
  • Like green and light blue
  • Developed  a habit of playing with hair

I was tagged my a friend of mine to do a “time warp.” So basically you just list the habits, favorites, and clothes of your past and present. Gosh, I still can’t believe I changed that much.

Twilight (a Lol review/spoiler of the movie..well, kind of)

December 13, 2008

IM conversation between my friend and I last night about twilight:
Me: so you went and watched Twilight?
Her: yep
Her: OMG I can’t believe they leave out some of the good parts… the good parts! Dx
Me: Q__Q yeah, and what about the part where Edward is supposed to glitter?
Her: D: he doesn’t look like that…it’s supposed to be DIAMONDZ!!
Me: lol, and all blinding and shiny?
Her: yeah, my shineeeeys! @__@
Me: eh, I thought the movie was good if you haven’t read the book
Her: lol yeah…movies < book fosho’
Me: I like the part where Charlie was all like: *loads gun* Alright, bring him in!
Me: He was so serious and her expression was funny xD
Her: lol lol… and what about that part where they talk about how Jasper looks sad all the time
Me: xD
Me: I like the lunch scene too
Her: book cover! 😀
Me: don’t forget about the jumping scenes
Her: omg…that part need touch ups. At first I was all: since when vampires can fly??! o_O’
Me: It’s like they have a computer mouse on the scene and was dragging Edward around xDD
Her: LOL!
Her: Oh yeah overall…I don’t think the actors play it that well
Me: tell be about it :/ looks so fake at some parts
Her: It’s a LUV story! NEED MOAR emotions! D:<
Me: I like the songs though
Her: Decode! Leave Out All The Rest!
Me: I like Supper Massive Black Hole
Her: Supper? >_> food? where??
Me: I meant Super…it’s late and I can’t type right D:
Her: it’s a good song
Me: I want Coldplay….
Her: La Vida?
Me: Yes! Yes!
Her: ok, donate a billion to me so I can remake the movie
Me: I’m broke Q__Q
Her: but but….it’ll be worth it D:
Me: kay, I’ll call you when I get a billion dollars….$20 so far
Her: you suck…donate it all to the greater good! :3
Me: lol
Her: I think we are forgetting an important song….
Her: Bella’s lulliby!
Me: Bella’s Lullaby!
Me: lol
Her: >_> I can’t spell
Me: It’s nice….but it made me sleepy
Her: how could you? it’s TWILIGHT!
Me: but but but it’s a lullaby and the theater was dark? ;_;
Her: I know but how could you fall asleep during the screaming fan girls session?
Me: huh? the girls were really quiet during the movies though
Her: lol not really..a bunch screamed and I got popcorn thrown at me because a girl stood up D:
Me: aww..well, at least it’s not soda
Her: that would sucks!
Her: like vampires! hahaha pun!
Me: I hope you mean blood 😛
Her: yeah, vampires are cool but they suck
Her: I just confused myself @__@
Me: lol

Another sketch

December 4, 2008

Yep, I finally got a hold of my sketchbook. I’ll post more sketches as I scan them.

Here’s the hand:


A bit stress…

December 2, 2008

As the days edge closer to the end of the semester, my stress level goes up…
This happens every year since middle school. Sometimes I’m afraid of disappointment and failing and during those times I panicked. What if I didn’t study hard enough for that test? Did I put my name on the paper I just turned in? What’s due tomorrow? I didn’t forget to pick up the worksheet did I? Sigh…

It feels like if I don’t have a break soon, I’m going to break.

Most of the time it turned out that I worried over nothing, but still that didn’t prevent me from worrying the next semester. Well, this is what is happening now. Funny thing is, yesterday I was all happy and carefree while cracking up jokes with my friends. Now I’m freaking out about an A- on an assignment. Yeah, I just checked Schoolloop and my grade dropped 0.38%. Yes, I’m worrying over 0.38%! I think the stress is getting worse each year. Oh man, I would hate see what happen in college.

I know what I need right now: some chocolate, a nice nap, and a hot bath later. Those things fixed the stress so far. Oh yeah, I’ll take an evening off on Friday and just relax. Not doing anything for one day is nice.

Sorry for bringing my problems here, but I need to get the stuff out. I feel better that way.

Hopefully the stress will go away soon. D: